Methodical - didactic adjustments in the classroom for children with dyslexia child with dyslexia needs in the learning process nakatere adjustments that support their specific needs , his teaching facilitate tracking and provide a more effective learning .

  • child to sit in front because it will be better seen and heard on the blackboard the teacher. The teacher will be easier to monitor and direct his attention.
  • We pay attention , or in the classroom may result in learning materials . At the incursion attention to the teacher uses verbal guidance of attention ( repeated manual, keyword , ask a child to repeat questions ) or non-verbal directing attention ( featured in Volume , baby look, touch him on the shoulder , showing him the sign ... ) . < / span> < / li>
  • We offer a unique , specific and clear instructions.
  • on the school bench and put his school written content material , that material easier to follow and easier to transcribe it as you would copy it from the table .
  • We make more rapid positive feedback on their learning and behavior .
  • If necessary, we provide summary notes and prepared questions for home learning .
  • allow the use of reading ravnilc and tinted film .
  • If you have trouble retrieving letters and separating the left and right sides to the alphabet and marked left and right sides glued on a school bench.
  • worksheets should have adjusted ( enough space for answers , double spaces between the lines , pastel yellow background , font size 14 pt, customized fonts : Arial , Tahoma , Verdana , Calibri , ragged right edge) .
  • Copies the missing parts or materials are copied or used computer or tablet (especially at the end of primary school or secondary school ) .
  • adjust the scale and complexity of books for reading badge and homework .
  • adapt the volume of homework if necessary .
  • child not be exposed to loud reading before class , unless you wish to do this alone .
  • leave school material written on the board in the break that the child may be prescribed .
  • child should be able to independently complete the product ( you can during breaks or after school ) .
  • We introduce a note in which he is writing homework .
  • encourage peer support ( lending volumes, dictating content) .

    Tanja Cerne , prof. defectology />
    my knowledge - my strength