Teaching people with dyslexia
How much do you remember ?
10 per cent of what is read ,
20 percent of what we hear
30 percent of what we see ,
70 percent of what we see and hear , or tell themselves ( the most effective learning when presented the subject matter )
90 percent of what we do ( the importance of experience: emotional involvement inherent curiosity and the only activity that increases competence ) .
In people with dyslexia , check preferred sensory channel (usually a combination of visual and kinaesthetic ) and organize learning.
What distracts learning ?
turned on the computer , television, telephone , loud sounds
phone calls , messages,
activities in the same space ,
increased hunger and thirst,
learning without a plan and purpose (no time frame , inertia , tipping target )
learning in a less structured environment (parts of different objects on a table , index search , a lot of interesting images around us , distracting ... ) .
Your brain needs oxygen to function , so the children during breaks ventilated room.
Taught to be in the same room ( habit anchor for learning ) .
Odor candle is lit to connect children with learning ( anchored on a good mood and in a situation of effective learning ) .
Around the clock (wall , sand ) , assisted in the organization of learning time .
Breaks between learning lead to better memorization learning materials , maintaining motivation and relax tense muscles in an unnatural body. To learn too long , we begin to forget what they have learned or substance remains only in the short-term memory .
When children need a break? Formula : no. x 2 years , for example . 8 -year-old child needs a 1 minute break after 16 minutes learning. Break in this case may only be different for the brain activity , eg . different task.
We recommend a short break between learning and one other object. During this time, the water we drink , relax the eyes, and consequently the whole body , look into the distance to relax eye muscles , which are responsible for near vision , rub the palms that are warm , place them over your eyes for a few seconds and we are in the dark. You can do some movement exercises Brain GYMA ® . A short break for 5 minutes.
Break release . In the meantime, drink water , get up and help with the housework task , open the window, do physical activity. Break relaxing 10 minutes .
Children who have attention disorders are gathered for a short time so effectively learn the more manipulative breaks, which are short, make it easier to put back on the learning situation .
Children to go to the bathroom and talk with us and we with him during the break . During learning, to provide a peaceful environment to obtain the appropriate school behavior.
The longest break between učanjem is nocturnal sleep that relaxes the body and allows for deep thought processes of memorizing , ustvarjanosti and data integration .
good mood
Good humor and curiosity affect memorization learning materials.
The mood for learning influenced by the overall positive attitude towards learning and with respect to preferential perceptual channel .
When the baby comes home from school to have a shorter time to relax . Relaxation can already walk the way home , talk with friends or listening to music.
In a relaxed state more easily accept new information by connecting with each other and we are learning more efficient.
Drinking water is important that the body is sufficiently hydrated , because then they feel well is more focused and effective . In a school situation where repeatedly stressed, is going to be constantly dehydrated . Water affects the electrical potential of cell membranes and is important in the functioning of neural connections , the functioning of brain centers , that is, learning and hydration of the body. Recommended: 250 ml per 10 kg body daily.
Enjoying composed of sugars in fruit and nuts effect on effective learning.
The brain
The brain represents approximately 2 percent of body weight and consume 20 percent of physical energy . They consist of 100 billion nerve cells . Each brain cell is associated with the 10000 other brain cells . It's 100 Billard contacts ( synapses ) between nerve cells . In the first three years, and they boast of puberty all over . After puberty to consolidate or go bankrupt because they are not loaded . Americans say, " Use it , or lose it . " With Brain Gym ® activities even stimulate all brain areas and prepare them for the learning.
It is important to learn :
subject matter should be repeated 3-5 times (preferably in the following interval : after 30 minutes to one hour , after one day , one week , one month , six months ) ,
learn actively , depending on your preferred sensory channel
learns each day ,
adults to help where help is needed ,
gradually osamosvajamo child in learning ( the first self- care items , which have successful )
the lower assessment than expected, does not take back all the worries of school care,
children to understand the consequences if they are not sufficiently or properly taught ,
we encourage children to learn and encourage , as it is a gradual path maturation and independence (we are tolerant and are setting requirements)
At the end of learning should be proud of the effort and progress
one day a week the child is free and do not learn , we propose the organization of the family , who released a creative and enriching all participants.
Tanja Cerne , prof. defectology
NLP Master Coach , Learning Coach
my knowledge - my strength